Lewisville, TX - During these unprecedented times, your Lewisville Fire Fighters are committed to the safety of our citizens. Rest assured that your fire fighters are coming and stand ready to answer calls for service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from our 8 stations that are placed strategically throughout our great city.

We know that members of our great community are concerned about their businesses and are prepping for the days ahead. Our fire fighters are on duty for 24 hours and live in their firehouses for that time. During that time, your fire fighters prepare meals and live their work lives in their work home. We want to support those, who support us and our fire fighters have been encouraged to support our local food establishments by planning their meals around our local businesses. From buying groceries locally or ordering take out from local restaurants, your fire fighters have been encouraged to use our community for their buying needs while on duty.

Our Lewisville community will continue to face new challenges and the need to adapt to these challenges will be crucial. As a community, the need for us to stand together is paramount. We will get through this together because we are a strong community that knows how to take care of each other.

It is my honor to represent your Lewisville Fire Fighters, and can confidently say that your fire fighters are prepared for the days ahead. Now is the time for us to band together as a community, the Lewisville family. Your family of fire fighters is proud to serve you.


Joaquin Criner
