Captain Gary Apple Has Completed His Last Shift

As of 1900 hours today, January 27th, 2021, Captain Gary Apple has finished his last shift with the Lewisville Fire Department. Capt. Apple spent today riding Truck 6, stealing the nozzle on a vehicle fire, and participated with the Pipes and Drums during a city officials retirement reception.

Capt. Apple will truly be missed and after 35 years & 9 months, it is safe to say he has influenced and mentored many Lewisville Fire Fighters during that time. His passion for the job is infectious and anyone who has had the pleasure of working with him will tell you, they enjoyed every second of it.

During his career, Capt. Apple has been a public safety diver, a member of the department’s Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) deployment team, a bagpiper in our department’s band, and a Captain on our newest Truck Company. Capt. Apple is also a proud Charter member of the Lewisville Fire Fighters Association, Local 3606.

Though we will miss Capt. Apple’s sense of humor, his fellowship, and his knowledge & wisdom, we are excited for him to enjoy a much-deserved retirement.

Lewisville Local 3606 would like to give a hearty congratulations to Captain Gary Apple on his retirement. Capt. Apple, NEVER be a stranger, and most importantly know your brothers and sisters will always remember you. We look forward to celebrating you and your illustrious career on Saturday.

Thank you for everything you have done for us.


Your Lewisville Fire Fighter Brothers and Sisters